Selasa, 06 November 2018

FLTM Class A_Journal Analysis

1st Group

Question: Cicik livana (fourth group): This material talk about the i want to ask you what is the best media to teach the students for example like senior hight school.Thanks. Aisyah (group 6): I wanna ask you.. based on what you have explained, there are lots of learning media that we can use. I want to ask, can the use of instructional media continuously can increase students' interest in learning?‬‬ Wd. Ketika Sari (Group 3): I wanna ask. My question is can the media you describe be implemented in SD? Lia Novita: Oh yeah.. Thank's for given time to me..!! Well, i apricated with your All team, that's very wonderful ๐Ÿ‘Œ... Did you explain the type of media ... I am very apricated with you explained but i wanna ask you, so far what kind of media do you like for using later? triadnur djafar sigaro‬‬(group 2): so I want to ask you. what methods and media of learning are applied to what level of education? and explain why you apply it to that level? and are there any negative effects from using this chalkboard? Answer:+62 823-9475-7343‬: Ok thanks for the opportunity, because there are many media in teaching, the best media that you can choose is by online video, like we did for 2 weeks ago on ma’am YouTube channel, by online video we can more understand about our materials to teach easly and quickly, but you can use the other media to teach as you can do. Hopefully you can understand my answer. Thank you‬‬ ‪+62 823-9331-7549‬: Ok..I Will answer your question...later I decide to choose LCD,, because by LCD it Will more easly to teach,we don't need to explain long time...but we can show the material and example then just give the little explaination and let's them to imagine..‬‬ ‪+62 852-4272-0182‬: Well thank you very much for ur question, actually in our material/ppt there are so many media in teaching but it seems to me for elementary school the best media is whiteboard, so in ourr whiteboard we can adding like picture or poster which related with our material, and after that we can give a chance for the students to answer questions and to increase their confident to standing in front of their class.‬‬ ‪+62 822-5226-6869‬: well. I am going to add the enswer of mirda, In my mind, the best media which use in teaching , i think we can use image/picture media or charts, for example when we teach them about part of speech, we can use charts or picture media to teach them about that, so they can understand clearly about the material that we bring , and besides of course we can make a question and try to challenge them to answer the question, so the teaching will be interesting for them, so they can more understand the marterial and can enjoy it‬‬ ‪+62 823-9475-7343‬: Well, thanks for your question, I’ll try to answer,the function of media is to supplement the teacher through enhancing his effectiveness in the classroom.‬‬ Ed Wd. Novrianti: So we are as teachers can use some media such as direct method, silent way, audio lingual, sugestopedia there are metodes for teaching. We can combine between the method and some of instructional media. ‪+62 823-9323-0643‬: I will try to answer the question of triadnur, so in my opinion, I will use LCD media with a discussion method at the high school level, why, because with LCD help learning the learning process and fading students to understand what we say so that the discussion process goes well, as for the negative impact of the blackboard I think is not there, it is very petrified when something is unclear on the LCD we can use the blackboard to clarify something

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