Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018

Foreign Language Teaching Media (Second Meeting_YOUTUBE) Part 2

lia novita

Name : Lia Novita Firda Assalamualaikum wr. wb Thanks for this Video Mam 😘❤because many benefits i got when i waching this video about Media For teaching especially the function of Media . And From my point of view When students use media in learning then they will have the experience of learning and directly involve in the learning process. It makes what they have acquired will be saved in their long- term memory. As a result, students get good mark on certain subject and enhance their thinking skill.
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lia novita  7 jam yang lalu (diedit)

Tri indah Rusli

Agree with you dear. Thanks

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Andi Nurwakia. S

Assalamualaikum Ma'am. How if we using video as a teaching media? Is it effective to use video as a teaching media? Thanks Ma'am.
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Andi Nurwakia. S  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

Depand on your class condition, but as I know video is always effective and ineresting

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Andi Nurwakia. S

Thanks a lot ma'am. Now I got the point 😊

Andi Nurwakia. S  7 jam yang lalu

Cicik Livana

asalamu alaikum. after i watched this video i know what we have to learn from the fltm.and can help me to know what exactly the medium so i can understand and learn more.

Cicik Livana  7 jam yang lalu

Mawal Jasri

Good morning I'm Mawal Jasri, from the video i found that evidently teacher and eviroment of school are the media of teaching, because all this time i only know that media of of teaching just like book or material. Thank you very much

Mawal Jasri  7 jam yang lalu

rieskayati noesa

My name is Muh.syafriyanto.s in this lesson I understand what the teaching media thank's for the video mam

rieskayati noesa  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

Good for you so can explaint it clearly on MiD term test

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Tri adnur

Triadnur djafar sigaro (21713003) as we know that, students prefer internet media to look for tasks, information, etc., compared to reading books. So according to mam, do you agree that learning media like books are replaced by using a mobile phone or tablet PC?

Tri adnur  7 jam yang lalu (diedit)

Defi Mia Pamungkas

Assalamualaikum wr.wb My name is FATNALAILA From this video I can know what is the meaning of media, types of media, and the function of the media. I get the point that so a lot of types of media, and according to me as a teacher we must know what the students needs. With that the teacher can give a lesson with a right media so the students can understand the lesson easier.
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Defi Mia Pamungkas  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

I do agree with you fatnalia

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Susarli Ode Halim

Suggestion: After explaining the understanding of teaching media, it would be better if mam add some benefits from using teaching media. Thanks mam🙏

Susarli Ode Halim  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

Ko sarli, thank you for your suggestion. Will explaint it later.

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Susarli Ode Halim

Iyaa mam. Thanks mam🙏

Susarli Ode Halim  7 jam yang lalu

Mirda 99

I am Mirda My question:which media are likely to take a lot of our time to develop? Which could we do quickly and easily? Thanks ma’am

Mirda 99  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

Hmmm... let me make it simple, you mean that difficult to make but easy to use?

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Mirda 99

Yes ma’am absolutely

Mirda 99  7 jam yang lalu

Yus ria

Assalamualaikum mam. My name is yusria (21613024) The video is verry good and I have Question. My Question is how to activate or carry out attention and cognitive functions? As we know that the attention function itself is interesting and directs students to concentrate on the cognitive function that is to facilitate the purpose of understanding and remembering the information or messages contained in an image.
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Yus ria  7 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

One of the function of media is to make student motivated to join the class and receive the material from the teacher with full of consentration. And by using media also can help the student to remebering that media to carry them to remember the material.

Tri indah Rusli  7 jam yang lalu

Yus ria

So mam we can conlude if the media of teaching is verry useful for the teacher even helpful for the stundent. Thanks mam for the explanation and now I got the point.

Yus ria  7 jam yang lalu

Tri Akbar

My name is Tri Akbar Hasmun. From this lesson, this lesson makes me understand what is media for teaching English.. Thanks for the video mam👍👍

Tri Akbar  8 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

You are welcome akbar

Tri indah Rusli  8 jam yang lalu


The vidio its very helpfull for me. I got a new knowladge about media for teaching.

DEVIELSHA 95  8 jam yang lalu

Rizyandipratamaputra 016

I'm Rizyandi pratama putra. Thank's for the vidio, I understand what is media, type, and function. As a teacher, we must know using a learning media based on students need, to help them more easily understand the material provided. but if I don't use any media when the learning process only uses sound by explaining the material, can it be said as a media?

Rizyandipratamaputra 016  8 jam yang lalu

Tri indah Rusli

Even as a teacher you are a media. But additional media use like realia is better to help your material easier to understand then sound (yourself)

Tri indah Rusli  8 jam yang lalu

Rizyandipratamaputra 016

Oh yes mam, i just need to know whether the voice is also media. Thank you mam!

Rizyandipratamaputra 016  8 jam yang lalu

rieskayati noesa

My name is Muh.syafriyanto.s in this lesson I understand what the teaching media thank's for the video mam

rieskayati noesa  7 jam yang lalu

Erin Safitri

I get the point, so media is everything that can be used from the sender to the receiver, so that it can stimulate students thoughts, feelings, and interests so that the learning process occurs. Thanks ever such a lot mam 😊
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Erin Safitri  8 jam yang lalu

sulpian bagaya

Name : Sri desi Sid. : 21413105 My question is Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning? So, my suggestion that is I think the skill that can be developed mostly through social media like this on youtube. We can establish virtual communities to discuss about lesson matters freely. This would be beneficial to shy students and those who fear expressing in front of
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sulpian bagaya  8 jam yang lalu (diedit)

Tri indah Rusli

Thank you for your suggestion sulpian, I just recognize it and I'll be put it as new idea for my paper.

Tri indah Rusli  8 jam yang lalu

sulpian bagaya

@Tri indah Rusli thank you mam, but mam my name is sri desi not sulpian bagaya, sulpian just my account goole name

sulpian bagaya  7 jam yang lalu

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